Gilmore Hill Memorial Forest


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In 1997 Constance Heath, Lucille Bernaiche and Bert Hill deeded to the town this parcel of land in memory of their father Bert Gilmore and Rolland Hill for management as conservation land. The donation is marked with a plaque located near the kiosk.

The Gilmore Hill Memorial Forest consists of 13 acres of forest land overlooking 10 acres of early successional forest/shrub land in an old gravel excavation. A Public Service power line crosses the parcel to the rear. Naticook Brook flows along the boundary and separates it from developed industrial land. A single residential property is located on Greens Pond Road and is surrounded on three sides by the conservation land. The Horseshoe Fish & Game Club owns an abutting parcel and contains both a clubhouse, shooting range and forested open space.

A trail leaves the area of the kiosk where Greens Pond Road crosses Naticook Brook. The trail extends to the rear of the parcel through the old gravel excavation area, now maintained by the Conservation Commission as a wildlife habitat area of low shrub growth for many species of wildlife including birds, mammals such as fox and rabbits, and reptiles/amphibians along he brook. Due to beaver activity along the brook the area may experience flooding in the spring. The trail ends at the rear of the parcel where several paths on private land are found. A climb up the steep slope under the power line is possible.

A second trail leaves Greens Pond Road in the woods next to the firing range. It climbs the hill through the woods and ends at the power line.

Unique/Historic Features:

In the early 1920's this parcel and much of the surrounding land was farmland worked by Bert Gilmore and his stepson Rolland Hill. The family continued to farm the area until the late 1960's. The family members remember swimming in the brook and the great variety of wildlife present. The area contains one of the few examples of an Appalachian oak-pine forest remaining in this area of the state.

Helpful Info


Greens Pond Road at the junction with Greens Pond Brook


42° 49'42.86" -71° 30'57.46

Permitted Activities:

Hiking, biking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, snowmobiling.

Prohibited Activities:

Discharge of air powered or spring powered guns, any type of bow, or any firearm for the purpose of target shooting, fires, camping, Class 1, 2, & 3 E-Bikes, hunting, fishing .

Hours of Use:

There are no hours restrictions on this property.